26 August 2010

Crisis Core: A Review

Ah, Crisis Core... the prequel to the bestselling and most famous Final Fantasy game ever. I finally bought it the other day, and I must say, I'm mostly pretty damn impressed with it.

For starters, let's talk about the graphics. The FMVs are top-notch, and the 'normal' graphics, while not perfect, are more than acceptable in my opinion. For an example of the lower limit of what I call acceptable, look at the 'normal' graphics of, say, Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days on Nintendo DS. Obviously, it's not fair to compare games on two different platforms, but this is only a rough comparison. So, overall, I'd rate Crisis Core's graphics as "great".

25 August 2010

Experiment #5318-C: "Blogging"

Greetings entities!

This message is part of an experiment to make contact with beings resident in the multiverse. These communiqués will most likely be intermittent and not particularly related to each other. In fact, the subject matter may vary wildly. I believe that this is not entirely unlike the phenomenon known in your particular universe as "Blogging", so for the sake of simplicity, let's call this a "Blog".